
Q:       Seasonality. How have the local organisms and ecosystem changed with regard to season as we move from Summer to Autumn? Think about specific examples such as plant leaves…but what does this mean is happening in the plant? What animal behaviour do you notice are different and why? Does the local marine environment experience seasonality? Is seasonality the same everywhere in the world?

A:     Depending on the season, the ocean always changes. With winds or even with external temperature. It expands when the weather is warm, and contracts when it’s cold, currents move with dominant wind direction. Oceans do have their seasons, shifted of about two months with respect to their atmospheric corespondent, time for the water to warm up or cool down. Water expands and contracts due to those warming and cooling can make sea surface heights vary of about 10 cementers between the coldest month.

If you are interested in learning more about seasonality and how it effects our ocean water click the link provided below



Vancouver Aquaruim

The Vancouver Aquarium was fantastic! Definitely my favourite trip so far. There was a giant variety of animals ranging from sloths, to sharks it was thrilling. My favourite animal was the sea otter, because how cute it was and how giant they were! I had no idea that sea otter grew up to 4 feet! This trip was so educational but so fun at the same time, during the time I learnt a lot such as, there are over 50 types of rock fish, and that octopus grow up to 20 ft. My favourite part of this trip was the sharks and the sea turtle there. This trip was so inspirational and exhilarating I hope to return there soon.

if you would like any information about the Vancouver Aquarium click the link provided below



sea otter

The tide

The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand. The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops yet echo’s in sweet, soulful refrains. For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains;

Aqurium and Kayak trip

Q: Aquarium and Kayak trips. Describe your experiences this week at the aquarium and out on the water. How is your understanding of marine studies enhanced? What have you further learned about biology, water, and yourself? What amazed you? What are you wondering about now?

A:    The Aquarium and the Kayak trip was so much fun, I learned a lot on both trips and working out in the field was just exhilarating! I enjoyed learning inside at the Aquarium but outside was more hands on which I liked. My understanding of Marine Science has surely gone up, these trips taught me a lot and I can’t wait to get back on the water again soon! I’ve learned many new things from both of these trips such as, Great Pacific octopi grow up to over 20 ft, and how I can help save abalone from becoming extinct. I have found out a lot about myself but I also have a lot to learn as well. But what amazed me most is that when we went Kayaking the amount of Jellyfish we saw was incredible, there were thousands of them all around us, we mostly saw Moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) they stayed close to shore to feed on plankton. There were also a lot of sea stars,barnacles and clams, over all it was breathtaking to see them all in their natural habitat . The only thing I’m wondering about now is were this all will take me, finding out is the greatest adventure.
